Live and Video On-Demand Service
Streamıng Features
Exclusive service with supported streaming protocols and streaming formats ...
Supported HTTP Protocols: HLS, MPEG DASH, MSS, HDS
Other Supported Protocols: RTMP, RTSP, ICECASTING, MMS
Supported Formats: MP4, MP3, MOV, WMV, FLV, SMIL and others
Supported Video Codecs: H.264 AVC, H.265 HEVC, ON2 VPX and others
Supported Audio Codecs: AAC, HE-AAC, AC3, E-AC3, MP3 and others

System Security
Our privileged features regarding Security, Encryption and Geographic or Regional Restriction;
Secure Platform: HTTPS (SSL) Secure portal, HTTPS (SSL) APIs
Safe Delivery: HTTPS (SSL) Delivery, Full Encryption Support,
Digital Rights Management (DRM) Transparency
Token Based Access Control: Manifest+video segment anti deep linking enforcement, Active Demand Bypass Protection, File Lock, Icon Based Access Control
Geographical Restriction: Configure by continent, Add and manage custom geo constraints,
Maxmind Support, Access from Any Geography, Geolocation and Lockout
Statistics and Reporting
All of our reporting and statistics features
you will feel privileged for CDN Streaming ...
Status Reports: Reporting by request header, Popular header reporting
Live view reporting, 404 error reporting
Real Time Statistics: 24-hour general statistics, 24-hour most popular statistics
24-hour most popular live streaming statistics, 24-hour delivery and popularity statistics
404 error statistic
Date Liability Reports: Customizable Reporting Graphical Interface, CDN Access Logs,
New viewers, Trend Views, Geographic Views,
Imaging Logs, Location Logs, Reporting by Device and Browser,
Focus on views, viewing time, usage and geography,
And more

How It Works?

Receiving Broadcast
We're getting the satellite broadcast. And we're sending it to Encoder.

Analyzing the image taken from the satellite and transferring it to the web.

You can view the decoded image from the encoder.